Words in different languages
Welcome to Wordsindifferentlanguages.com this website is as its name says, a constantly growing collection of words and phrases in different languages. Most of the words and phrases are in English, but there are many famous foreign phrases that are said when speaking English that we have included also. Each word and phrase is translated into over 100 different languages. For your convenience, each word translated has its own page of all the translations together as well as separate pages for each words translation into a specific language. As you can imagine. Translating every word in the English language into the main languages of the world will take some time. In our research we found over five hundred thousand English words as well as over one hundred thousand phrases. This means we will be adding over a million pages of content so visit back often as we discover words and phrases in different languages together. If you look around, you can see our most recently translated words below. You can also use the search box. We are currently translating words that start with A as well as greetings and movie titles. We have translated over 700 words , 80 greetings and 100 movie titles so far!